St ukas Appartments oberammergau


We like to provide you here with the necessary information to have a safe and smooth trip to your location. We are located pretty much in the city center of Oberammergau - so you will find us easily.

Our address is as stated:

St. Lukas Apartments
St. Lukas Str. 8-10
82487 Oberammergau

Have a look down on the map. You will find the little street marked correspondingly.

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If you come by Plane or train - please inform yourself before you start your trip how to get to Oberammergau. There is only one train that will bring you to Oberammergau. You will get all the information from the Deutsche Bahn AG. Same once you arrive by Plane. Please cross-check either with the information desk on location.

If you arrive by car - here you will find some basic information:

From Munich – By Car
You will have to follow all the way of the A 95 in direction to Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Once you are done with the Highway / Autobahn ( A 95 will stop there ) you will drive on the B 23 to Oberau, which is a little city which is located before Garmisch. You will have to head towards Oberammergau once you leave Oberau. Driving time is around 90 mins / 130 kms.

From Augsburg – By Car
You will have to follow all the way of the B 17 in direction to Füssen. Wait until you will see a sign telling you direction to Garmisch. Just follow that sign. You will pass a little city called Peiting, by driving on the B 23. Always head towards Garmisch-Partenkirchen, you will automatically nearby Oberammergau. Driving time is around 90 mins / 130 kms.

From Innsbruck – By Car
Coming from Italy / Austria you will have to follow the A12, direction towards the Exit Zirl Ost N177. Than keep on driving towards Mittenwald / Scharnitz which will bring you directly into Garmisch-Partenkirchen. You will have to pass Garmisch-Partenkirchen and drive towards Munich on the B 23 until you enter the little city Oberau. You will have to head towards Oberammergau / Augsburg once you see Oberau. Driving time is around 60 mins / 90 kms.

From Kempten – By Car
Coming from Kempten you will have to follow the A7, direction Füssen. You will have to exit on Oly-Mittelberg, by switching on the B 309. Than you will have to head left on the B 310 with the direction to Füssen. You will have to pass Füssen on the B 17 with direction to Augsburg. Pass Steingaden und head once you come to the big bridge / Echelsbacher Brücke towards Oberammergau. Simply follow the B 23. Driving time is around 90 mins / 90 kms.

Imprint    St.Lukas Apartments - St. Lukas Str. 8-10 - Phone +49/178/8947847
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