St ukas Appartments oberammergau


Lakes and rivers

Oberammergau Aktivitäten Sommer Seen

Nearby Seas:
Oberammergau is not only known for the mountains and its green surroundings. You will find nearby as well several mid-sized seas which get their refills from little clear as crystal rivers from the mountains. These natural inshore waters can be used perfectly for mind resting and relaxing excursions during your stay at Oberammergau.

We like to give you a short sum-up of great spots:

- Bad Bayersoier See und Schleierfälle
- Plansee
- Eibsee
- Walchensee
- Ammersee
- Starnberger See
- Walchensee
- Partnachklamm

For further information you might check out these corresponding websites:

If you are on location will be for sure get even more information about these great spots

Other activities

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